In today’s world, the right online presence is becoming increasingly important. Whether you are looking for more visibility for your company, want to generate more sales or simply want to present yourself better on the market, Google advertising campaigns will help you achieve your goals. With our performance-oriented approach, we have already been able to help a large number of customers optimize their advertising strategies, save unnecessary advertising expenditure and generate drastic increases in sales. We develop an individual and dynamic marketing strategy to meet your personal business goals.


Use SEO to make your website future-oriented and sustainable in the long term. The best way to achieve more visibility, more traffic and more leads.

A/B testing

We use A/B testing to ensure that only the best decisions are made for your marketing strategies.


Get to know your customers better to understand their behavior and optimize sales processes.


Effectively and efficiently recapture website visitors who have not converted.


We use specially developed tools to find the right keywords for your products. The be-all and end-all for successful advertisements.




In the age of search engines, it is essential to orient yourself in the web area and to position yourself successfully. We want to analyze, define and achieve your individual goals together with you. In doing so, we optimize the website structure, the content and the technical background. Our goal is always to increase sales cost-effectively. The focus is on organic placement. We achieve our goal with the help of software and data-based analysis, with key words, keywords and market and competitor analysis playing an important role. Ultimately, it is of particular interest to us that you are positioned in the long term and sustainably in the area of ​​SEO.




Hardly any other form of advertising is as efficient as Google AdWords. This advertising tool makes it possible to place your website at the top of the Google results list under certain search terms and to generate more clicks and thus higher visitor numbers on your website through the privileged placement. The success of your Google ad is achieved through the use of specific keywords. The advantage is clear: while conventional advertising appears unfiltered to users, AdWords ads are tailored to the search query of the potential customer and offer them exactly what they are interested in.


360 degrees

Depending on the customer and the goal of their strategy on Amazon, we set up targeted campaign structures that either target profitability, brand awareness, organic visibility or a mix of all of these. On a monthly basis, including regular performance reports, we continuously optimize the advertising campaign and provide our customers with full transparency about the use of the advertising budget and the sales achieved. Further steps are then determined together in regular meetings.


website design

In the age of search engines, it is essential to be able to orient yourself in the web and position yourself successfully. We want to work with you to analyze, define and achieve your individual goals. The goal is to develop a common understanding of your design style. Our designs are perfect for your industry to form the basis for your perfect website. With the right text and imagery, we can turn your vision into a digital success in no time.


Google Search Ads

Hardly any other form of advertising is as efficient as Google AdWords. This advertising tool makes it possible to place your website at the top of the Google results list for specific search terms and to generate more clicks and thus higher visitor numbers on your website through the privileged placement. The ads appear as a four-line text section above, below or to the right of the organic search results.

With Google Search Ads you have the opportunity to place your website high up in the search engine for certain search terms. 

By having users search specifically for a product category or a specific product, this ad format allows you to reach potential buyers who are already well advanced in their customer journey. This means you reach interested parties who have already made their purchase decision or are currently looking for a suitable provider. You increase the number of people who visit your website with qualified potential buyers of your products!


Display ads

Unlike traditional search ads, you reach potential customers with this ad format not in the search engine, but on partner websites that are relevant to your target group. With display ads, you have the option of using not only text, but also images and video material to present your company in a visually appealing way.

Compared to advertising within the search engine, you can address a much broader target group with display advertising, which increases awareness of the product or brand. You can also reach interested parties who do not use the search engine, as frequently used websites are already known and saved as bookmarks.


Google Shopping

Google Shopping is a product-based advertising service from Google. Since the majority of people research an offer online before making a purchase, Google also plays a major role in the sale of products. 
As a company, you have the option of placing your products under certain search queries in the price comparison portal Google Shopping. With one click, potential buyers are redirected to your website or online shop.
With Google Shopping, you can increase your sales on the one hand and increase the awareness of your brand on the other. 
Since user search queries and market conditions are constantly changing, continuous optimization of the feed is necessary. The mistake is often made of not optimizing shopping campaigns at all or only rarely, which means that no or very few products are sold and the sales potential is not utilized.


Google Remarketing

Who hasn’t experienced the following problem: website traffic is increasing, but there is no sales.

Google Remarketing is a way to reach exactly those users who are already interested in your products or are already customers. Your products are shown to the interested party several days after they visit your website. This allows more impressions to be made and increases the likelihood of a purchase.  

However, there are a few things you should pay attention to when using targeted remarketing. Poorly optimized campaigns can be very expensive and can minimize ROI or even cause losses(!). You should also be careful not to be too present for the customer, as intrusive advertising is often perceived as annoying.


lead generation

The possibilities for lead generation have changed over time. Nowadays, a lot of emphasis is placed on digitalization. Newsletters, social media and direct marketing play an important role here. Classic cold calling is becoming less important over time, as you can reach a much larger number of people with technical tools. With our help, you can direct potential customers to your site. It is important to define your target group and address them accordingly. An analysis of customer behavior is important because this is how you find out what really appeals to your customers.



Who typically purchases products from your company?

finance department
project manager


The target group of B2B decision-makers varies greatly across industries. Depending on the size and structure of the company, very different people make purchasing decisions in some companies than in others. The decision-making structures also differ here. In the past, purchasing decisions in the B2B sector were still a “top priority”, but now decisions are increasingly being strongly influenced by employees without management functions and are increasingly being made themselves.

Often, it is not just one person who decides, but a group decision made by various interest groups. This is especially the case when purchasing is organized centrally and the pre-selection of alternatives is carried out by the specialist department, for example. In this case, the person who researches on Google, i.e. makes the pre-selection, is not also the decision maker for the actual purchase.


The scope in which SEA campaigns are profitable for your B2B company is correspondingly much higher: If the value of the actual (offline) conversion is several thousand euros, then a very high-quality lead generated via SEA can be worth €150 – especially if a much larger market can be targeted with new regions or a new customer remains a partner of your company over a longer period of time (customer lifetime value).

In summary, we can conclude that setting up and optimizing SEA campaigns can often be much more complex than in the B2C sector and, accordingly, your offers must be placed much more specifically.


What are your goals in using Google Ads B2B for your company? The answer to this question will help you to check your customers’ objectives and also to check whether they are feasible. In principle, you can pursue similar goals with your Google SEA campaigns in B2B as in B2C (lead generation, branding, long-term positioning, expansion into new locations, etc.).

A B2B example is a company that has previously operated more regionally. With the location targeting function of the SEA campaigns, it is possible to conquer completely new customer groups locally. For example, do you know that your B2B company is hardly known in Lower Saxony so far, but there is a great demand for your products there? Great, then you can raise the bids for this location. If you only have limited SEA budgets available, then it is worth mirroring the existing campaigns and also adapting the texts separately for certain regions in Germany. The advantage of the mirrored campaign is that it measures the performance of the individual region very transparently and that you can easily adjust the budgets for this region only. To do this, just copy the existing campaign and target it at Lower Saxony, for example a radius of 60 km around the city of Hanover. You do this directly under Locations/Edit location, then you can specify a single location or a radius around a location.

success measurement

One of the biggest challenges with Google SEA Ads for B2B companies, in addition to more complex business models and products, is that the number of “big” conversions, such as a purchase via the online shop, is lower overall than in a B2C online shop. Or there are no directly measurable online conversions at all. The question then arises: what should be optimized and how do you optimize when the conversion level is very low?

First, analyze the website and, in addition to the large conversions, define leads and micro-conversions that can be helpful in generating the large conversions. This is time-consuming and more complex than with B2C shops, but it will ultimately reward you and your company in the medium to long term, as you will not only optimize the SEA campaigns for clicks and visibility, but at many levels up to the actual conversion.

Ask yourself the question now: When are the SEA campaigns successful for you and is there a CPO/CPL or ROAS value at which the campaigns become profitable? Depending on the size of the conversion, there are strict limits or a higher budget. If your advertising campaigns are well set up and a high number of generated contacts are used to buy a very expensive service, for example, higher costs per completed and submitted form request are definitely worthwhile.